HCE - Writ of Possession - Possession Orders Instruction to transfer up and enforce a County Court Order of Possession by Writ of Possession Company Name:Ref:Contact Name:* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City County ZIP / Postal Code Bank Remittance Details: Bank Name: Account Name: Account No: Sort Code: Reference: Email:* Telephone/Mobile:*Your Ref:Details of the Landlord or Agent who will be present onsite:Contact Name:* First Last Contact Company:Email:* Telephone/Mobile:*Enforcement Address:* Street Address Address Line 2 City County ZIP / Postal Code Please indicate your preferred day for the eviction to take place:* MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Please indicate your preferred time for the eviction to take place:* Morning Afternoon Evening Additional InformationLocation of Trespassers / Occupiers:*LandResidentialCommercialStatus of Trespassers / Occupiers:*SquattersProtestersTenantsTrespassersMortgagersHow many Trespassers / Occupants are present?*(Aged 16 years and Over)If on land, how many vehicles / caravans are present?How Many Entrances:*How Many Floors:*How Many Rooms:*Method of entry / locksmith will be arranged (unless otherwise specified):*If applicable, please provide details of any electronic doors / gates or shutters.Are there any Children (under 16), Animals or Hazardous Materials at the address:If 'YES' Please provide further detailsDoes the defendant have any previous convictions?*NOYESUNKNOWNIf 'YES' Please provide details if you have themHas the defendant ever used any form of violence or threatening behaviour?*NOYESUNKNOWNIf 'YES' Please provide detailsPolice Log / Incident Number:More Info:Please provide any further information that may be relevant or useful:Provisions made to secure and/or sanitise the property or land upon vacant possession.File Upload: Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 128 MB. Please provide additional information that may assist enforcement / copy of judgement / orders etc...Authorisation* A payment for £394.00 (inclusive of VAT) to Collect My Debt Ltd. this can be paid online by visiting www.collectmydebt.co.uk and clicking 'Pay Now' or by Bank Transfer (Please request bank details for payment). Copy of Possession Order A N244 application and a completed PF88 (Possession Only) OR PF89 (Possession and Money) form and a certificate of service (N215) A sealed - WRIT OF POSSESSION It is a condition of this instruction that all directors, shareholders and members of the Claimant Company (where applicable) personally guarantee Collect My Debt Limited's fees, costs and charges. I confirm that the details given are correct and accept any responsibility for any incorrect information given By submitting this authorisation, you hereby agree to the Terms & Conditions as laid out on our website.CAPTCHASignature*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.